The Choir meets on Thursdays during school term times from 7.30-9.00pm. Our rehearsals are held in the Lindfield United Reformed Church in Lindifeld High Street. Separate sectional rehearsals for soprano, alto, tenor and bass sections usually take place during the first part of Thursday evenings, and most weeks there are additional optional practice sessions on Monday evenings in St Wilfrid’s Church, Haywards Heath.
Members of the choir have the opportunity to sing Evensong in some wonderful Cathedrals and chapels. In July 2011 we had the honour of singing in the Royal Chapel of St George in Windsor Castle; in June 2013, 2014, 2019 and 2023 at Chichester Cathedral; July 2016 at Southwark Cathedral, where we will return in 2025; and Rochester Cathedral in 2024. Each year in the run-up to Christmas we are invited to sing carols at the Princess Royal Hospital, and we sometimes support other local events as well.
During the summer term a lighter programme of music including Gilbert and Sullivan, Old Time Music Hall, Madrigals and Songs from the Shows may be arranged, which culminates in an informal social evening with a performance and meal for choir members and friends, usually at Chiddinglye.
In previous years, the Choir has made biennial tours abroad to Normandy, Paris, Ghent and Lille, singing in Bayeux Cathedral, Ghent Cathedral, Paris La Madeleine, Lille Cathedral and Mass in Ypres Cathedral. These tours have provided the choir with unforgettable experiences. Friends and family joined the singers which enhances the friendly atmosphere for which the choir is noted.
Charitable Giving
Ardingly Choral Society has for many years contributed considerable sums to both local and national charities, including the Royal British Legion as a result of the annual Remembrance Concerts in November as well as other charities: Sight Savers International, Save the Children and St Peter and St James Hospice and Marie Curie.
During the five years 2015-2020 the choir donated £6,000 to St. Peter and St. James Hospice, £5,000 to the Royal British legion and £1,000 to local churches for rehearsal use.
To find out more about the choir and any performances:
contact Lorraine Doron, Secretary