Our repertoire is wide-ranging and the annual programme revolves around the following events:
- A Remembrance Concert, performed on Remembrance Day in aid of the Royal British Legion. This is a unique event - the only one of its type in the area.
- Advent Carol Concert by Candlelight in Ardingly College Chapel in aid of a chosen charity.
- A Spring concert in March/April in the Chapel
- A summer social with a musical flavour rounds off the year in June or July.
- Most years, there is an opportunity to sing Choral Evensong in one of the great cathedrals or chapels in the South of England.
- We perform our concerts in conjunction with a local organist (David Moore) or musical ensembles and we use professional soloists as well as talented singers from the local area.
An example programme for the 2023/24 season can be found below:

Download Our programme as a pdf Here